"Soon come in the near future. But, when exactly, I can not tell because the goods do not exist, "said Jonfis Fandy, Director of Marketing and Sales Service HPM, when contacted, Tuesday, May 2, 2011.
Unlike Indonesia, Honda Malaysia has opened bookings facelift Honda Jazz in 2011 began the fourth week in April. In the neighboring country, the Honda Jazz version dibanderol 109,800 ringgit, or about USD 318 million.
In addition to getting a change in exterior and interior, brand-new Jazz will also get an additional new feature, Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA). On the exterior, front and rear bumper, and grille using a new design.
Likewise with the main and rear lights. Meanwhile, in the interior, the new scheme a memorable sporting new colors into signs of change. In addition, the speedometer lighting and audio system devices in yellow.
The engine, still use gasoline engine capacity of 1500 cc i-VTEC.
So, will the same changes will also occur on the Honda Jazz facelift that will be marketed in Indonesia. "Not to talk about it because the goods could not exist. Likewise with the price. Please be patient and wait for the right of launch, "said Jonfis.
About Honda Jazz sales during April, Jonfis admitted it had run out of supplies. So, during the period was also stagnant sales. "But, because the supply does not exist because factory production in Japan is constrained, by the tsunami," he explained.
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