Thursday, June 23, 2011

Taufik beat Bao Chunlai

 Taufik Hidayat advanced keperempatfinal Djarum Indonesia Open by beating Bao Chunlai on Thursday (23 / 6).
Taufik who appeared cool beat Chunlai in two games 21-19 25-23. In the first game Taufik always lead to close games the first 21-19.
In the second game, the match lasted more stringent. Chunlai try to squeeze in a game Taufik Taufik net served. Taufik had reached match-point 20-19, but failed to finish the game. Finally games The second ended 25-23 for Taufik.

With this result Taufik recorded three wins from eleven meetings with Chunlai since 2002. Players from China itself considers Taufik is playing well. "He was very calm and did not want to get hooked," said Chunlai.

Chunlai Istora audience does not question that always ridiculed every time he got the ball. "No problem. Only Taufik played very well indeed."

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